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瑙h 锛氥 婃 瑙嗕汉鐢? 搴旈 鏉庡 鎵 鏀濇 鑺? 搴旈 鏉庡 鎵 鏀濊 佹湪. A 鏋佸洤鏍 洯鏂囧 缃? .
Ten years, focus on precision motor and drive control system. Provide intelligent control solutions in various application areas. Domestic precision motor and drive control products and solutions are preferred.
銆婄 鍒 殑杞 珯銆? 閫佷簡5鏈甸矞鑺遍 璧忚 佸笀浣充綔闂 欒? 閫佷簡5鏈甸矞鑺辨 璧忎匠浣溿 傚悜鎵嶅コ闂 ソ锛? 婊 嫅璇楅 椋庣害浣忥紝涓 绗哄 闊垫垜閭 鏉? 鏁i 璇楃棔鍦 紝鐙兼 澧ㄨ抗娴撱 傚嚑澶氶Θ姊 荤浉鍚屻 傛彁绗斿啓鎯呬功鎰忥紝鎬濆康绔熼噸閲嶃? 鐓 瘝鐑瑰彞闊垫枱绌猴紒娆查棶骞村崕锛屾 闂 瞾鍖嗗寙锛屾 闂 竾鍗冨績浜嬶紝鍝 釜鍙 洖渚 紵.
鍐欑殑杩樺彲浠ュ惂锛屽氨鏄 爣鐐圭 鍙疯 淇 涓 涓嬶紝涓? 璁ょ湡杩囧ソ灞炰簬鑷 繁鐨勬瘡涓 澶 紒.